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line of latitude meaning in Hindi

line of latitude sentence in Hindi
अक्षांश रेखा
line    श्रेणी डोरी पेशा
of    स् का की पर बाबत
latitude    अक्षांश चौड़ाई छूट
1.As the map shows, these divisions generally followed lines of latitude.

2.These maps are bounded by two lines of longitude and two lines of latitude.

3.The line of latitude is the maximum lead or lag a compass will have.

4.Circles on the sphere that are parallel to the equator are lines of latitude.

5.These specific lines of latitude and longitude were chosen because they pass through Wales.

6.The "'Bottomley projection "'is an eccentricity of the arcs ( representing lines of latitude ).

7.The line actually runs slightly northwest to southeast, so it follows no line of latitude.

8.The grid formed by lines of latitude and longitude is known as a " graticule ".

9.With a latitude-longitude rectangle, only lines of longitude are great circle arcs; lines of latitude are not.

10.This continent stretches much further along the same lines of latitude than any of the other continents.

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an imaginary line around the Earth parallel to the equator
Synonyms: latitude, parallel of latitude, parallel,

How to say line of latitude in Hindi and what is the meaning of line of latitude in Hindi? line of latitude Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.